
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are You The Reason You Can't Find Mr. Right?

Gentleman Rambles

G E N T L E M A N - R A M B L I N G S; A collection of perspective ink spills. Spontaneous writings. In the moment poetics. Sometimes it rhymes, sometimes it doesn't. But it always comes from the soul. Something like the blogger feed before the hard back literature read. Get me?

A woman will never have a good man with the "all men are dogs" state of mind. 

You want the right man? 
Quit submitting your bodies to the wrong attire
Your time to the wrong activities
Your eyes to the wrong sights/sites
Your minds to the wrong perceptions and imaginations of what real is
Your hearts to the wrong Gods..

Less complaining, more praying. Not just for us, but for yourselves. God gives according to what you can handle. He's not just gonna hand you a husband when you still have a girlfriend state of mind. That's like putting a minor with no driving experience behind the wheel of a brand new car. An accident waiting to happen. Nothing that is meant for any of us in life is withheld from us when it's time for us to have it. The only reason for not receiving exactly what's for you, whether man or woman, is YOU. If you're tired of a specific type of man being the way he is, pray for him. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you're just pointing, chances are, while identifying those bones in his closet, you're ignoring the bones falling out of your own. The moment you reach down to pick up one of your own, and compare it with one of his, you'll go into shock at the realization that, the two of you are one of the same.

Ask yourself - What is it you're really looking for? When God speaks of man and him having a wife who is fruitful to his soul, he's speaking of a man who fears Him. A blessed man. (psalms 128) ...Do you really desire this type of man? See, God doesn't make mistakes, and the devil only gives you what you accept. It's not rocket science - MANY women don't want a man who really fears God, they want a man who pretends he doesn't fear anything. Unfortunately this man isn't pretending when it comes to two things - He doesn't fear God, and he doesn't fear leaving you. Which goes right back to him not fearing God. A man who doesn't fear God has no restraints. Yes, I know what's coming next from some of you. There are men of God who cheat, lie, etc etc..Listen, the only perfect man to ever walk the earth was NOT married. If you're looking for perfect, quit looking for a man, and start looking for Jesus. Not only will you find him, but you'll also find that the man he has for you is nothing like everything you've been dealing with all your life, and yes, flaws and all, he's a perfect fit for you.

I'm in no way, shape, form, or fashion, condoning any wrong doing on any man's part. I'm not saying that there aren't bad men out there, because there are plenty. But plenty has nothing to do with your ONE. Just know, if you want what's right for your life, you yourself have to be living right. Encourage the men in your life, pray for them, school them to the needs and purpose of your soul. If you're not doing any of the above, what sets you apart from the typical woman who deserves exactly what she's been getting? Honestly! What makes you so different? Remember- The RIGHT man isn't looking for a good woman, he's looking for the RIGHT woman. Your definition of good, might be someone Else's definition of bad, but God's definition of right can not be modified. So, I encourage you to do less groaning about the wrong men, and be the right woman. What's right for you will come to you in the right time and season

Thank You Jermaine G. this was a much needed read!