Be sure to set some simple action items that are measurable, achievable and realistic, you could be surprised as early as a few months by your personal finance prowess.
- Is it achievable?
- Are the results measurable?
- Are the results I’ve set realistic?
I read this great article on seek wisdom find wealth, catchy phrase and great financial advice! Patrice C. Washington who is known for being financially fit & fabulous. She goes over How To Set Financial Goals You CAN Achieve in 3steps: 1. Be specific. 2. Be deliberate. 3. Be accountable.
Another great article to check out is: 5 Reasons Black Women Can't Save Money. I sure know this article brought some light to my personal situation and I assure you it will help with yours. Patrice is also available for financial coaching!
"Remember that what you verbalize, you materialize . . . no matter what you may think you want"
Here are other list of ways you can improve your finance for 2012
- Set up at least one automatic investment besides your 401(k) account. Commit to maxing out your 401(K) or any other retirement plan your employer may offer in 2012. We do not contribute enough to our retirement account — a minimum of 10% per month is advisable.
- Put your credit cards in order. Pay off the credit cards with the highest interest rates and transfer balances to 0% interest cards.
- If you have children, open up and contribute to your child’s 529 education fund.
- Gather your tax information together now and file as soon as possible, especially if you are to receive a refund.
- Review your insurance needs—property and casualty, life, and health.
- Create an emergency fund to cover 8 to 12 months worth of bills.
When that aspect is together we can commence to shopping..................:-) Throw it in the bag!